Friday, December 31, 2010

Rock climbing rocks!

For the last company's Rest & Relax (R&R) activity, we went for rock climbing at camp5, OU. Our office is just next door, so we got pretty good corporate discount :-)

I was thrilled because I haven't done this before and looking forward to it. It's really cool man!

We had 1 hour of climbing trials and then another hour for games. The climbing trials started with the cave set (medium height rock set) with safety mattress on the floor just to get the feel of it. It was followed by the castle wall (8m in height) where we climb up with the belayer at the ground. Finally, it's the game time. We had to compete among the teams. Each team will undergo a challenge and we switched the challenge every round until every team has gone through each of the challenges. My team won the first place from the bottom, wakaka...

It went so fast and I feel I want more :-)

Our Own "Little" Fear

Height is not a problem for me as long as I have something to hold on. However, each and everyone of us has our own "little" fear. That's normal. Some of my friends, even the guys, really afraid of height. Although they look tough and active, but somehow they can't handle the height. But, they are good in other sports activities, grounded sports of course :D

I have my own "little fear" too:
- Dogs! Yes, dogs. Although I was born in the Dog Year (Chinese Calendar). I just couldn't understand them because they simply bark and chase people!
- Fire. I'm afraid to light up a lighter.
- Swimming in deep water without safety jacket. I'll get rid of this from the list after I take another swimming class someday.

So, I want to ask you:
What is your "little" fear?


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