Monday, January 17, 2011

Jungle trekking @ FRIM

It's been years since KLGamblerz get together for adventure trip. On Sunday 16 Jan 2011, half of the geng went to FRIM, Kepong. I never been there before even though I stay not far from it.

Founder and pioneer members of KLGamblerz gang are Erik (aka Oggy), Paklah, Kak Rasha (aka cheesechoc), Baie (aka cataly5t), Kapes and me (aka speed). Now, the gang has grown with new members with Rania and Rafiq (Kak Rasha & Baie's kids), Intan (Paklah's wife) and Mardhiah with 2 kids (Kapes's family).

First pic: from left, Erik, Wanie, Paklah & Intan.

I was not feeling quite well actually (sore throat) and went to clinic the day before. But, I stubbornly insisted of joining the trip. Perhaps, due to the medicine I took after Subuh prayer, I was asleep and didn't notice my alarm ringing. I woke up by the call from Paklah and it was already 8.20AM and we are supposed to meet up at FRIM at 8.30AM! Well done. I quickly took shower, got ready, grab some bread with planta for breakfast on the way, dash off and drove like mad. I reached FRIM around 8.45AM, emmm..not bad.

We first headed to information center to get some brochures to find out what activities we can do here. Unfortunately, the information is limited and we only got a so-not-helping map. We started with trekking on Salleh trail followed by Rover trail. Salleh trail is interesting because we have to walk through the forest along narrow rooted path. Roger trail is wider and developed which can be used by vehicle and bicycle.

We finally stopped at the Malay Tea House, where I had Misai kucing herbal tea well-known for detox, slimming and traditionally used for kidney bladder stones, liver, gallbladder, diabetic problems, urinary tract infections, to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure. It is also taken for rheumatism and gout, although its effectiveness for these problems has not been scientifically verified. Researchers have found it to be mildly antiseptic as well.

Misai means whiskers, kucing means cat, so together it makes out as cat's whiskers. The reason behind the name is because the medicinal plant has a unique flower, white and bluish in color with far-exerted filaments that looks like cat's whiskers.

Common names for this pant are Misai Kuching (Malaysia), Kumis Kucing and Remujung (Indonesia), Java Tea and Kidney Tea (European), Yaa Nuat Maeo (Thailand).

Scientific Names are Orthosiphon Stamineus Benth, Ocimum Aristatum BI., Orthosiphon Aristatus (Blume).

Plant family: Lamiaceae, Labiatae

It is a medicinal plant, native in South East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand) and some part of Tropical Australia. It is a herbaceous shrub which grows to a height of 1.5 meter. In the wild, the plant can be seen growing along the forest edges, roadsides and wasteland.

The funny thing is that we end up playing "tutup botol" (direct translation is bottle cap - the game I used to play when I was kid. I was "jaguh kampung" in this game!) and "congkak" - traditional Malay game at the Malay Tea House. We make ourselves home!

There are many other activities available in FRIM like bird watching, jogging, mountain bike, picnic, camping, botanical garden and the best of all, canopy walk but it was closed for maintenance until March.

We are determined to come again for weekend treat to explore more!

P/S: It served me right, due to my stubbornness joining the trip despite not feeling well, I suffered fever and on MC for 2 days! kuikuikui...


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