Saturday, October 15, 2011

Flying Cessna 172 Aircraft, code name "Papa Bravo"

I became a Pilot! Woohoooo...

It's not an easy day, oh boy. Everything happened on the day of my flight!
I think I had a "crash course" on flying today. Not crash course as in learning how to avoid crashing when flying. But, crash course as in intense course covering not just flying, but also flight checkup and repair!

We were scheduled for flying at 9AM. But, due to so many reasons, it got delayed to 12 noon! I'll tell you.


As soon as we arrived at the airport, excited, Captain Naim told us that the airport is in the state of IMC. What the heck is that?

IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions) - Weather conditions that preclude visual flight. Clouds, fog, heavy precipitation, smoke, and volcanic ash can all produce IMC.

Oooo okay. So, we hang out in McD waiting for clearance. IMC update comes every half an hour.

Finally, we got the green light from Air Traffic Controller (ATC). Here we go!

Boarded Cessna 172 Aircraft, had briefing on the so-many gauges on the dashboard - altitude, etc etc etc. Cool.


ATC was damn busy since airspace just open right after IMC. So, many aircrafts were queuing for runaway. We had to wait for quite some time for the taxi to runaway request to be cleared. Not only that. There was aircraft code name "Alpha Tango" parked right in front of us. Later, came a white luxury car chauffeuring the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud and his young Lebanese wife. Oh boy. They boarded Alpha Tango and we can only go after them. Waited.

Taxi to runaway

We started taxi-ing to the runaway. Stopped. Then, Pilot Naim speed up the engine and checked on the gauges and then "OO" he said. We got technical problem. He called ATC to cancel the take-off and request taxi to hangar. What?

Aircraft repair at hangar

At the hangar, technician checked up the aircraft and replaced the starter plug. Tested. Now, ready to go again!

Are we really really safe to fly?
Only Allah knows.

Taxi-ing to the runaway for the second time. Zooommm..took off. Up in the air.

We headed to Port Klang since KL center airspace closed for parajumping event. Too bad. If not, we would be enjoying KLCC view.

Wuuhooo... the the right... wuhhooo...

Then, it's Erik's turn. We swapped the seat in the air in that so-small aircraft. At first, I was skeptical about the idea. But, we made it. Piece of cake.

Actually, we bought 2 vouchers, hence 2 sessions. Advice from the pilot, swapping in the air would save taxi time etc instead of landing and take-off again.

"Air combat" movie feeling

Erik had a challenging task, oh man. We've got a message from ATC that there were few aircrafts nearby us. We started looking around to locate them. The aircraft mostly runs on manual mode. Our eyes are the radar. Oooo.. we located ONE. Pilot Naim swifted the aircraft to avoid it. Still looking. Suddenly...oooo there's another one right in front of us. Captain Naim said "Shit!". He swifted again. Oh man.... Phew... Just feel like we were in air combat movie!


I already had a strange feeling right after the swapping. Nausea. Something just about to throw out from my throat. I held it back. Oh gosh.I guess it's because of the hot weather plus long waiting - stomach getting empty by lunch time. I scheduled it for morning but end up noon! I went flying before with my friend as her passenger. That time was all good - NO IMF, NO VIP, NO repair, NO air combat and of course NO nausea. No problem at all with all the swifts!

Alhamdulilah, we all are safe and sound :-)
All in all, it was kinda cool except the nausea part.
Roger and out.


Abhishek Tandon said...

Cool Wani...u did it

waniemy said...

Yes! I did it!
Thanks, Abhishek :-)

Paksu said...

Hell yeah!

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