Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Kanak-kanak riang" in Krabi, Thailand

Six "kanak-kanak riang" had thrilling fun in Krabi, Thailand last week.

Syifak, Yunk, Erin, Hana, A'a & Me!

Food & Shopping

After checked-in at Sunda Resort, we headed to Ao-nang,a small town in Krabi, for lunch. We're damn hungary after the 1-hour-plus flight. Luckily, there are many Muslims around as they claimed that 99% of the people over there are Muslims. Indeed, we saw quite a number of mosques on our way from airport to the hotel. So, food is not a problem at all. We had various kind of food ranging from

a nice Thai food restaurant

to a makeshift stall by the road side

to a motorbike-cum-stall along the pavement

and to a thatched roof stall in the village nearby

Believe it or not, we had 3 nasi kerabu, 2 roti kosong, 3 roti telur dan 6 glass of air teh-O for only 150 baht, that's 25 baht per person (around MYR 2.50)!

Well, our budget for food depleting over days :P
Of all the foods, we craved for Banana pancake every night!

Then, what else??? Shopppppiiiinggg!!
We spent thousand of baht in just the first night!
Come on... thousand of baht is just a hundred ringgit, okay :P

4-Island Longtail boat trip

It's just like island hopping. We first hopped on Poda Island, then Chicken Island, then Tup Island and finally Phra nang beach and cave.

The unique thing about Tup Island is that during low tide, you can walk along the white, sandy beach joining the neighboring islands.

See the small waves clashing each other from opposite site, subsided gradually giving a way to make a causeway joining the Tup Island with Chicken Island. SubhanAllah...

Riang ria in swimming pool

This is what happen when "Kanak-kanak riang" found a swimming pool:

From top left, that's what we called "Single Cannon Ball Jump". That was the first time I did it. Actually, my swimming coach (cum co-worker) had challenged me to do that during our company trip in Tioman last month. But, I didn't dare to do it because there were so many people in the pool including kids. I don't want to fail in front of those kids. Come on. I grabbed the chance in Krabi because we conquered the pool for ourselves :D I'll show the picture as the proof to her. I'm very grateful to have such a great swimming coach. Because of her, I can now do floating and back stroke, in addition to breast stroke and free style which I learned from my swimming lessons in Singapore. Thank you very much, Sharone! Muahh..

Next is "Double Cannon Ball Jump". That makes me feel like we're the athletes for the Olympics in high dive double. kuikuikui...

9KM white water rafting (Level II-IV) at Bhor Thor

This is the best part of all! I like it ahaks..ahaks..

It took us one and half hour drive from Ao-nang to Bhor thor. Funny thing was, we dropped by at the Monkey Temple Cave. I ended up paying a visit to the monkeys in swimming suit! :D ooppsss...wrong dress code, babe!

It was my first time rafting. I've always wanted to try it. And finally I made it. Oh yeah!

We took up the 9KM Real Rafting package from The Traveller. They are awesome, friendly and fun! Great teamwork from all the staff. The staff not only be your rafting guide, but they also will personally served you a delicious lunch! If you go to Krabi, you MUST try rafting with them. Note, there are many companies offering rafting package. But, we heard great feedback about them from the agents and the westerners like to go with them too. True enough, they are awesome. The way they treat you will definitely make your experience a memorable one. Believe me!


We ended our day by taking a dip in a cool refreshing waterfall not far from the rafting camp.


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