Wednesday, June 20, 2012


P/S: Point "ingat orang lain yang lebih susah" itu menguatkan semangat aku utk menghadapi stress especially after my visit to Phnom Penh last weekend. Bersyukur sangat pada rahmat dan rezeki yg Allah SWT curahkan selama ini. Alhamdulilah :-)


Ace said...

Yes, beb!! Always have to remember that... and I know you are one very strong person. I have always adored you ;). You are great!!!

Aiza said...

hai wanie, remember me?????

waniemy said...

@Aini: It's nice to hear that from you, my dear friend :-) To be honest, on the outside, I made myself to be and look strong, although it's actually fragile underneath it. Anyhow, if we don't push ourselves up from the fall, no one will. And for the record, you are a very strong woman I've ever met and I adore you too!

@Aiza: Oooo..dear. Of course, I remember you! I heard about you from Abhijeet that you've become a mom, last year or 2 years ago! Plz add me in your facebook :-)

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