Monday, July 4, 2011

Kenduri Kesyukuran & Doa Selamat (House Warming Event)

Last Saturday, we organized a house warming event (Kenduri Kesyukuran & Doa Selamat)in conjunction of our moving to new home sweet home and to thank Allah SWT for His blessing by offering and sharing a feast together. We invited family members and close friends. Alhamdulilah... the event went well with good weather.

The feast is really delightful and glorious with plenty of food until you feel hard to choose. In addition to my mom's menu, my aunties, grandma, some family members and friends also sponsored some food. Thank you all. May Allah SWT bless you all :-)

My mom's very-own-cooking menu:
Nasi Tomato
Ayam Masak Merah
Daging Kicap Pedas
Nasi Putih
Gulai Nangka
Ikan Masin
Sambal Belacan
Bubur Cacar
Air Oren

Sponsored food:
Kuah Pecal
Pulut panggang

My cousin's husband (Abg Asri) who is a soldier, sponsored the tent from his camp which comes with banquet set: tables, chairs, table cloth, food tray, drink container etc. Even with the gold color ribbon wrapped around the chair rest just like wedding banquet. Hehehehe.... I was surprised coming home to see it and feel like a wedding ceremony. Plus, on the very same preparation day, the workers came to install the wardrobe in my room. It adds the feeling of wedding as if preparing the bride's room. kuikuikui... Perasan santan jerk!

The event started with Doa Selamat & Tahlil by Imam and a few jemaah after Zuhur. Followed by the feast. In the afternoon, my mom's marhaban group continued with Yasin recital and Selawat to Rasullullah SAW.

Alhamdulilah... May Allah bless us all with hidayah and rahmat. And may we, one whole family live in the new house happy ever after.

Thank you for all of you whom willing to spent some time to visit and join the feast with us. Thank you!


Ace said...

As Salam.

Beb, thank you for the invitation. I am really happy that finally one of your dreams came true.

I am sorry that I have to leave early but, paham jer lah kan with my kids around it's pretty difficult to stay long and what more to make a rounding to your new house :p.

I pray for your happiness and may Allah bless us all.

p/s: Beb, boleh mintak resipi from mak ko tak for the daging and ayam... *malu ai*... kekeke

waniemy said...

Thank you for coming!
Great to see you after quite some time :-)

About the recipe, no prob. I'll ask my mom and will let u know... tak yah malu2 la ai...

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