Saturday, April 28, 2012

Acknowledge our own mistake

We tend to avoid acknowledging our own mistake.
If that happens, we are actually live our life in denial.

Once we made a mistake and if we don't acknowledge it, we will try to hide it.
We then tend to make the second mistake to hide the first.
Then, third to hide the second.
So on so forth.

Without us realizing, we eventually made a whole list of mistakes we never think of.

Therefore... acknowledge our own mistake.
After which we will pledge not to do it again.

Save ourself from living in denial before it's too late.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wedding Yunk

From left: Sha, Erna & her daughter, Aziah & her son, Lin, Aku, Syifak, Shazrah & her 2 kids, Faten & Hana. In the middle, the bride, Yunk & the groom, Bad.

Congrates Yunk & Bad!!
Wish you two together happy always...

Tadik pegi kenduri Yunk. Kiteorg geng serumah UTP, 12 org semuanyer.

Most of us dah kahwin. Anak pon dah berderet.
Maka dgn ini, tinggallah 4 dara yg masih single mingle.
2 org jer single mingle...yg 2 lagik on the way la tuh...

Hana - insyAllah tahun ini, Fatin - dah ada boyfren... so..tunggu masa saje laa..

Well... tinggallah Syifak & Aku.

Jodoh itu kan rahsia Allah :-)
InsyAllah..semoga Allah mempertemukan jodoh yg soleh utk kami. Ameen.

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