Sunday, December 25, 2011

Qhristmas 2011

Getting Christmas present this year didn't come easy. We ought to play hide & seek game and solve the puzzle in order to claim our gift!

Everyone will have to write down 3 wishes and pin the paper on one's cubicle board. A secret Santa will be assigned to each one of us. The secret Santa will have to peek the wishes and fulfill one of them!


We can only get our present by solving the puzzle with some clues given by the secret Santa.

Here are my 3 wishes:
1) Car audio system (audio player and speaker)
- The one I have in my car is driving me nuts! The volume control went loose and overwhelmed me with a blast of music just like a loud disco party!
2) Computer speaker
3) 2 pair of winter socks

I was thrilled to discover which one I would get :-)

Here's the puzzle:

Aha...thtz easy. It's the chocolate in the fridge. But.... we have SIX fridges in the office!

Got it!! Ooo..dear.. My secret Santa did play hard on me. He gave me NOT just one puzzle but instead a series of puzzles!!

This one is the reception. Bingo!!

It's Jupiter meeting room. Bingo!!

Emmm.... this one is tricky. Itz definitely a sofa. But... I haven't seen such a sofa :-(
With the help from Bee Leng, I found it. Thank you, Bee Leng :-) It's at the Metal area in the new Horizon floor. I didn't walk around that area much coz I'm in the Logistic area.
Finally I got the number to claim my gift.

It's a computer speaker!!

To my surprise, there's one more puzzle for a mysterious gift!

Then, I continued my venture to discover my mysterious gift...hehehee..

Yahooo.... I got it.
Thank you, Wilson for helping out :-)
I sms my secret Santa and he replied "Ho ho ho...I will give your gift later"

The next day, in my drawer, I discovered the mysterious gift with a note "Merry Christmas 2011"

The mysterious gift is.....




A picnic ball!!!
You made my day, my dear Santa!!
My youngest sister plays with it in the bathroom!!

Merry Christmas 2011 and a Happy New Year 2012!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let's fight in the laser battlefield

Quintiq R&R activity, the Laser Tag in I-City, Shah Alam.
I played 3 games and always ranked the FIRST from bottom for the first 2 games and only improved 3 rank up in the last game. I'm sure "very good" at it :P

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lazy & Sick

I've been very lazy lately. That explains the no-post situation.
Not been quite well too. Haish...

It's been quite a while I didn't fall sick. But, lately, it's becoming a series of sickness, just like the Korean drama I've been additively watching.

Wish me well soon, yeah.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I got it

Alright, I got it.
You just do your way. And I'll do mine.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sick of it

I'm sick of reading news about people fighting against each other!
Can't we all live together peacefully?
Can we?

Sick of it!

I read thestar and google news everyday (sometimes I do missed, though :P). I used to read Malaysiakini. But, now too sick with the quarrel and fighting, so, I dumped it.

News.. can you please tell me good news?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Kanak-kanak riang" in Krabi, Thailand

Six "kanak-kanak riang" had thrilling fun in Krabi, Thailand last week.

Syifak, Yunk, Erin, Hana, A'a & Me!

Food & Shopping

After checked-in at Sunda Resort, we headed to Ao-nang,a small town in Krabi, for lunch. We're damn hungary after the 1-hour-plus flight. Luckily, there are many Muslims around as they claimed that 99% of the people over there are Muslims. Indeed, we saw quite a number of mosques on our way from airport to the hotel. So, food is not a problem at all. We had various kind of food ranging from

a nice Thai food restaurant

to a makeshift stall by the road side

to a motorbike-cum-stall along the pavement

and to a thatched roof stall in the village nearby

Believe it or not, we had 3 nasi kerabu, 2 roti kosong, 3 roti telur dan 6 glass of air teh-O for only 150 baht, that's 25 baht per person (around MYR 2.50)!

Well, our budget for food depleting over days :P
Of all the foods, we craved for Banana pancake every night!

Then, what else??? Shopppppiiiinggg!!
We spent thousand of baht in just the first night!
Come on... thousand of baht is just a hundred ringgit, okay :P

4-Island Longtail boat trip

It's just like island hopping. We first hopped on Poda Island, then Chicken Island, then Tup Island and finally Phra nang beach and cave.

The unique thing about Tup Island is that during low tide, you can walk along the white, sandy beach joining the neighboring islands.

See the small waves clashing each other from opposite site, subsided gradually giving a way to make a causeway joining the Tup Island with Chicken Island. SubhanAllah...

Riang ria in swimming pool

This is what happen when "Kanak-kanak riang" found a swimming pool:

From top left, that's what we called "Single Cannon Ball Jump". That was the first time I did it. Actually, my swimming coach (cum co-worker) had challenged me to do that during our company trip in Tioman last month. But, I didn't dare to do it because there were so many people in the pool including kids. I don't want to fail in front of those kids. Come on. I grabbed the chance in Krabi because we conquered the pool for ourselves :D I'll show the picture as the proof to her. I'm very grateful to have such a great swimming coach. Because of her, I can now do floating and back stroke, in addition to breast stroke and free style which I learned from my swimming lessons in Singapore. Thank you very much, Sharone! Muahh..

Next is "Double Cannon Ball Jump". That makes me feel like we're the athletes for the Olympics in high dive double. kuikuikui...

9KM white water rafting (Level II-IV) at Bhor Thor

This is the best part of all! I like it ahaks..ahaks..

It took us one and half hour drive from Ao-nang to Bhor thor. Funny thing was, we dropped by at the Monkey Temple Cave. I ended up paying a visit to the monkeys in swimming suit! :D ooppsss...wrong dress code, babe!

It was my first time rafting. I've always wanted to try it. And finally I made it. Oh yeah!

We took up the 9KM Real Rafting package from The Traveller. They are awesome, friendly and fun! Great teamwork from all the staff. The staff not only be your rafting guide, but they also will personally served you a delicious lunch! If you go to Krabi, you MUST try rafting with them. Note, there are many companies offering rafting package. But, we heard great feedback about them from the agents and the westerners like to go with them too. True enough, they are awesome. The way they treat you will definitely make your experience a memorable one. Believe me!


We ended our day by taking a dip in a cool refreshing waterfall not far from the rafting camp.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

My very own travel & adventure map

Monday, October 24, 2011



Take time to realize,
That your warmth is. Crashing down on in.
Take time to realize,
That I am on your side
Didn't I, Didn't I tell you.

But I can't spell it out for you,
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I cant spell it out for you

If you just realize what I just realized,
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And will never find another
Just realize what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder if
We missed out on each other now.

Take time to realize
Oh-oh I'm on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you.
Take time to realize
This all can pass you by

But I can't spell it out for you,
No its never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you.

If you just realize what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder if
We missed out on each other but.

It's not the same
No it's never the same
If you don't feel it to.
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way.
It could be the same for you.

If you just realize what I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize what I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
Just realize what I just realized

If you just realize what I just realized


Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Flying Cessna 172 Aircraft, code name "Papa Bravo"

I became a Pilot! Woohoooo...

It's not an easy day, oh boy. Everything happened on the day of my flight!
I think I had a "crash course" on flying today. Not crash course as in learning how to avoid crashing when flying. But, crash course as in intense course covering not just flying, but also flight checkup and repair!

We were scheduled for flying at 9AM. But, due to so many reasons, it got delayed to 12 noon! I'll tell you.


As soon as we arrived at the airport, excited, Captain Naim told us that the airport is in the state of IMC. What the heck is that?

IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions) - Weather conditions that preclude visual flight. Clouds, fog, heavy precipitation, smoke, and volcanic ash can all produce IMC.

Oooo okay. So, we hang out in McD waiting for clearance. IMC update comes every half an hour.

Finally, we got the green light from Air Traffic Controller (ATC). Here we go!

Boarded Cessna 172 Aircraft, had briefing on the so-many gauges on the dashboard - altitude, etc etc etc. Cool.


ATC was damn busy since airspace just open right after IMC. So, many aircrafts were queuing for runaway. We had to wait for quite some time for the taxi to runaway request to be cleared. Not only that. There was aircraft code name "Alpha Tango" parked right in front of us. Later, came a white luxury car chauffeuring the Chief Minister of Sarawak, Taib Mahmud and his young Lebanese wife. Oh boy. They boarded Alpha Tango and we can only go after them. Waited.

Taxi to runaway

We started taxi-ing to the runaway. Stopped. Then, Pilot Naim speed up the engine and checked on the gauges and then "OO" he said. We got technical problem. He called ATC to cancel the take-off and request taxi to hangar. What?

Aircraft repair at hangar

At the hangar, technician checked up the aircraft and replaced the starter plug. Tested. Now, ready to go again!

Are we really really safe to fly?
Only Allah knows.

Taxi-ing to the runaway for the second time. Zooommm..took off. Up in the air.

We headed to Port Klang since KL center airspace closed for parajumping event. Too bad. If not, we would be enjoying KLCC view.

Wuuhooo... the the right... wuhhooo...

Then, it's Erik's turn. We swapped the seat in the air in that so-small aircraft. At first, I was skeptical about the idea. But, we made it. Piece of cake.

Actually, we bought 2 vouchers, hence 2 sessions. Advice from the pilot, swapping in the air would save taxi time etc instead of landing and take-off again.

"Air combat" movie feeling

Erik had a challenging task, oh man. We've got a message from ATC that there were few aircrafts nearby us. We started looking around to locate them. The aircraft mostly runs on manual mode. Our eyes are the radar. Oooo.. we located ONE. Pilot Naim swifted the aircraft to avoid it. Still looking. Suddenly...oooo there's another one right in front of us. Captain Naim said "Shit!". He swifted again. Oh man.... Phew... Just feel like we were in air combat movie!


I already had a strange feeling right after the swapping. Nausea. Something just about to throw out from my throat. I held it back. Oh gosh.I guess it's because of the hot weather plus long waiting - stomach getting empty by lunch time. I scheduled it for morning but end up noon! I went flying before with my friend as her passenger. That time was all good - NO IMF, NO VIP, NO repair, NO air combat and of course NO nausea. No problem at all with all the swifts!

Alhamdulilah, we all are safe and sound :-)
All in all, it was kinda cool except the nausea part.
Roger and out.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

18 Jun 2011 - Paris, France (1 day 1 night)

1 day 1 night in Paris,
believe it or not?

P/S: It was a rush trip. Business trip cum super speed sightseeing. No time for reading/get-to-know the places before flying. You know what, I simply stopped by and enjoy, sometimes (or most of the time) without knowing what-the-hell I'm staring at / visiting to! So, this post is a way for me put pieces together.

Friday, 17 Jun 2011, 6PM. Rushed out from Quintiq office, took taxi to train station and boarded train to Amstel to catch 10PM Eurolines bus to Paris!

Gallienie, Paris

Saturday, 18 Jun 2011, 6AM. Reached the bus stop at Gallienie. From there, we took metro to Trocadero, then walk to Eiffel Tower. Thanks for the tips I found on the net. The scenic walk was wonderful.


Tips: Take line 3 to République (6 stops away) and then line 9 in the direction of Pont de Sèvres as far as Trocadéro. The total trip time on the métro is 35 minutes.
At République, look for the sign that says "correspondance" and follow signs pointing you to métro 9 and make sure you take it in the right direction.

We met a Taiwanese guy, James, who traveled alone from Denmark on business trip just like us. He joined us visiting a few places there before we parted for hotel check-in.

P/S: The bus was really mediocre. The seat is small, not as nice and big as the bus I used to take back and forth KL-Spore. Can't really sleep well.

Eiffel Tower (aka Iron Lady)

"A puddle iron lattice tower, built between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle, a World's Fair marking the centennial celebration of the French Revolution."

That morning, we were the first group to arrived Eiffel Tower. Can't miss the golden chance. Waited for 2 hours, cold cold cold. The wind seemed to blow stronger under the tower! Gosh... Finally, we made it through as the first batch to the second level by lift for the day! Hurray!!!

Once I stepped my foot on the second level of the tower and looked around the marvelous view, then only I understand why it's called "City of Light". I'm sure the view would be fantastic at night! We planned to come here again to watch sunset :-)


Flea market in Paris

Walking away from the tower, we stopped by at an open air flea market. I guess it's this one: Saxe-Breteuil Market. Bought french-middle-east kebab for lunch. And enjoying nice sweet fresh cherries :-)


Arc de triomphe de L’Etoile

"The Arc de Triomphe (in English: "Triumphal Arch") honours those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and the Napoleonic Wars, with the names of all French victories and generals inscribed on its inner and outer surfaces. Beneath its vault lies the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I."


Walked. Stopped at Arc de Triomphe. Raining. Heavy rain. Gloomy day. I looked up on the sky and mesmerized with the clouds moving so fast blown by the wind. It reminded me of what Yosia, my colleague, told me the other day, the clouds in Paris is very light! Hahahhaa....true indeed. Smiled. Then, started walking to Avenue des Champs Elysees once the rain stopped.

Avenue des Champs Elysees


This street definitely for the famous and glams. Not me. Branded handbags, shoes, apparels and you-name-it. Shop till you drop. I bought n o t h i n g.

Place du Pantheon (Paris Law Faculty)

"One of the four faculties of the old University of Paris."

I managed to grab Paris t-shirts from nearby souvenir store for my family members :-)

Cathedrale Notre Dame (aka Lady of Paris)

"Notre Dame de Paris is a Gothic, Catholic cathedral of the Catholic Archdiocese of Paris. It is widely considered one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture in France and in Europe, and the naturalism of its sculptures and stained glass are in contrast with earlier Romanesque architecture."

Quick stop here.

Musee du Louvre (Louvre Museum)

"One of the world's largest museums, the most visited art museum in the world and a historic monument. Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square metres (652,300 square feet). The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace (Palais du Louvre) which began as a fortress built in the late 12th century under Philip II. Remnants of the fortress are visible in the basement of the museum. The building was extended many times to form the present Louvre Palace. Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is in there!"

One of my favorite stop. Love the water pool surrounding the glass pyramid. Simply awesome. Didn't manage to enter the museum, closed, late afternoon. But, managed to enter the glass pyramid and wandering around at the lounge.


Place de la Concorde


"Place de la Concorde, is one of the major public squares in Paris, France. In fact, in terms of area, its 8.64 hectares (21.35 acres) make it the largest square in the French capital. It is located in the city's eighth arrondissement, at the eastern end of the Champs-Élysées."

Luxor Obelisk

"Luxor Obelisk is a 23 metres (75 ft) high Egyptian obelisk standing at the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. It was originally located at the entrance to the Luxor Temple, in Egypt."

Luxembourg Garden

"Luxembourg Gardens, is the second largest public park in Paris (224,500 m² (22.5 hectares) located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris, France. The park is the garden of the French Senate, which is itself housed in the Luxembourg Palace."

On the way walking back to Eiffel Tower for sunset, we stopped by at a huge, super nice garden, the Luxembourg Garden. I simply enjoyed sitting by the water pool watching ducks paddling around. And of course, a break for my painful foot!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Papa, what is my name?

Congrates to Pak Lah & Intan for their cute newly born baby boy! He's automatically the KL Gamblerz junior member!

Baby: Papa, what's my name? Say my name, say my name. If no one is around you, say "baby I love you".
Uncle Erik: Hey baby, it's okay. If papa doesn't give u name, I will give u one :-) 'Ahmad Aaron Ahmad Abdullah'.

Baby with his Tummy Time Gym!

Baby: Thank you, Uncle Erik & Aunty Wanie. You guys are very advanced. I've got to work-out hard and I'll show you my 6-pax real soon!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Deen Tight: Bridging faith, music & tradition

Islamic music has long been rigidly related to just nasyeed, an Islamic vocal music that is either sung a capella or accompanied by percussion instruments such as the daff. In general, true Islamic nasyeed does not contains lamellaphone instruments, string instruments or wind and brass instruments as Muslim scholars interpret Islam as prohibiting the use of musical instruments except for some basic percussion.

Nowadays, a new refreshing Islamic music has became phenomenal through the evolution of songs with Islamic values lyrics in variety of genre such as R&B, Soul, pop, hip-hop, rock, metal and you-name-it. Just look at the popularity of Maher Zain(Sweedish singer, musician, songwriter, composer), Yusuf Islam (Cat Steven), Sami Yusuf (Iranian musician, composer, producer, multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter), Opick (Indonesian singer, song writer) etc.

7 Sept 2011, Wed. 8 - 11pm. KDU College, Damansara Jaya.

Out of curiosity, I attended a documentary filmmaking workshop and a screening of a film by Mustafa Davis, an award winning American Muslim filmmaker: Deen Tight - Bridging Faith, Music and Tradition.

Sitting in the lecture hall reminds me of the memorable experiences during my university years. It feels good. Smiled. The event started with the screening of the film followed by Q&A with Mustafa Davis on topics related to film making and production.
Music, considered taboo practice by many traditional Muslims, has also become one of the most prominent methods for Muslims to share their faith internationally through Muslim Hip Hop. Hip Hop is a global phenomenon reaching from the skyscraper laden skies of New York all the way to the deep deserts of Arabia and beyond. It is a subculture that transcends boundaries of language, gender, and religion. Deen Tight brings to the screen the untold story of Western Muslims struggling to find a balance between their culture and their religion.

Filmed on location with Muslim rappers, DJs, slam poets, breakdancers and a graffiti artist in concerts, recording studios, at homes and in the streets. The story focuses on the perceived conflict between traditional religious ideals and modernity, as well as both the positives and negatives of Western Pop culture on todays’ Muslim youth.

We follow a group of Muslim Hip Hop artists living in the United States and United Kingdom. They discuss intimately with us the challenges they face trying to balance their faith, culture, and the pressures of daily Western life.

The film provides an intimate look into the lives of a group we know very little about and how they deal with the many issues surrounding their culture and religion. Mutah Beale (formerly Napoleon of Tupac Shakur’s Outlawz) is adamant about leaving music and the Hip Hop scene as an act of obedience to God. Rapper Tyson Amir Mustafa and HBO Def Poet Amir Sulaiman see nothing wrong with using music as a form of cultural expression and DJ BelikeMuhammad even claims to use Hip Hop as a means of proselytizing his faith.

We show both sides of this conflict, through intimate and emotional scenes where the artists candidly express what motivates them to feel the way they do.

This is the tale of one of the most influential pop culture movements of our time and its relationship to Islam, one of the worlds fastest growing religions.

Struggles in bridging faith, music & tradition

The film screens different perspectives from both side: the protagonist and antagonist. Antagonist may present through phobia, interest, insecurity and community. Mustafa Davis explained that the film doesn't showcase opinion from any Muslim scholars because what they said will suppress the voices of others. Fair enough.

Here, I tried to discuss and reflect what I learned from the screening. This is merely my own personal opinion and it's in no way meant to undermine anyone. Wallahualam (Only Allah knows).

Dakwah in the new millennium

Rap, hip hop and graffiti are the language of today's youth. It's part of American lifestyle, culture and tradition. That's how the youth express their feelings, emotions and telling stories from heart to heart. They convey positive message through hip hop and rap to uplift other people and bring joy to them. To me, even when they speak a normal conversation, they sound rapping :-)

Actually, I prefer R&B and soul songs like Maher Zain's because it sounds tender, delicate and touching to the heart. Listening to the rap by Kumasi in the film make me understand how rap can also be as tender and touching as the R&B and soul. Rapping by Kumasi at the end of the film is my favorite. The wordings on submission to Allah flows through the way Kumasi rapping is just marvelous. The script was composed by Mustafa Davis himself.

Graffiti art work by Mohammed Ali has taken across the globe with his fusion of street-art and Islamic script. He describes his work as, 'taking the best of both worlds' and bridging back to the forefront principles that are gradually fading away from our modern societies. Music and arts are powerful tool to transform today's multi-cultural societies. However, vandalism is where the problem may come when youths start expressing their feelings and art work mischievously. The youths spray out bad words all over the place illegally and create unpleasant view. During my train trip from Amsterdam to Den Bosch, I could vividly see graffiti sprayed all over the place. It makes me feel a bit insecure.

Mission impossible

As a form of dakwah, some of them even take an extra steps by performing rap and hip hop at disco and clubs. They feel that they need to reach out to the people who needs the message of Allah the most - the pimps, party goers, alcoholics and the gangs. It's a risky mission though. Come to think about it, these kind of people won't go to the mosque or religious events. So, the only way the message of Allah can reach them is that we have to go to them. It reminds me of the tazkirah I recently listened to at the mosque in the month of Ramadhan. The delivery was quite stern just like how politician shouts out promises in the election campaign. I can imagine how they would respond if they listen to that. I myself prefer a gentle delivery.

I guess rap and hip hop are youthful refreshing approach. Nevertheless, some may start with the pour intention of dakwah but turn into being overzealous and then lose focus along the way. So, we've got to always reflect, remind ourselves as to who we are and what's our mission is.

Music is in their blood

Some claim that music is part of their blood. Their parents, grandparents and great great grandparents are doing this. Here, we shall treat this very carefully and learn lessons from the story of Prophet Ibrahim where he reasoning with his father and his people about their belief and practice.

Surah (Chapter) Ash -Shu’ara” (The Poets), The Quran 26:69-82

And recite to them the story of Ibrahim (Abraham)[69]
When he said to his father and his people: “What do you worship?” [70]
They said” We worship idols, and to them we are ever devoted.” [71]
He said: “Do they hear you, when you call on (them)?” [72]
“Or do they benefit you or do they harm (you)?” [73]
They said: “(Nay) but we found our fathers doing so.” [74]
He said: “Do you observe that which you have been worshipping - [75]
“You and your ancient fathers? [76]
Verily they are enemies to me, save the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists), [77]
“Who has created me, and it is He Who guides me. [78]
“And it is He Who feeds me and gives me to drink. [79]
“And when I am ill, it is He who cures me. [80]
“And Who will cause me to die, and then will bring me to life (again). [81]
“And Who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the Day of Recompense, (the Day of Resurrection). [82]

Please don't get me wrong here. I'm not equating the music to worshiping other than Allah. My point here is on the gist of the story. Tradition may be good and bad. Take one example, bullfighting, it's a tradition in Spain, Portugal, southern France and some Latin American countries in which bulls are baited in the bullring for sports and entertainment. Oh's a bloody sport, but then they regard it as a fine art. Each year, approximately 250,000 bulls died in bullfights [peta]. The point here is that we shall not merely follow the tradition without reasoning. Perhaps, we could transform the bad into good. Wallahualam (Only Allah knows).

Stay within boundaries

Contradicting opinions on faith, music and tradition may be there. I shall not make any conclusion on this matter as I'm not in the position to do so. I could understand the challenges these people face in bridging them together. It can bring benefits in some ways and can also cause harm in some other ways.

Perhaps, we could have done much better by unleashing the full potential of our mind with the guidance of Al-Quran and As-Sunnah to explore, learn, reason and understand while staying within the boundaries to the best of our ability. Wallahualam.

Other stuff:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I believe in only ONE chance

On the 3rd day of Ramdhan, my throat suddenly felt so painful, swollen. Trouble sleeping. Took wood peppermint cough syrup and sucked in lozenges. Shivering. Took panadol. Still shivering. Took another panadol. Slept.

The next day, I took MC and went to see my doctor. Hey.. I was still fasting, okay. Just a little pain doesn't hinder me from observing fasting in this holy month. Alhamdulilah... I still managed to make it.

I don't mind driving further from my new house to see my doctor whose clinic is near to my old house. It's worth it, I tell you!

I told him what's bothering me and he examined me. He took his pen, started drawing on his writing tablet and on his computer screen, appeared an uvula with 2 little circles on the side. I asked him, what's that little circles? He said bacteria! Hahahaaa....

If you flipped through my medical records in his computer, you will see uvula picture in each page. I once read article saying that according to my birth date, my weakness lies on the throat. It's indeed true. My throat is quite sensitive.

Dr Thong: How's your new house?
Me : Ahaa.. you know
Dr Thong: Your mom came last time and told me about it.
Me : Oh yeah.. Well, it's good :-) See.. I still come to see you even though
it's further.
Dr Thong: You know why? I always prescribe good medicine. Many other doctors and even some of my friends, they simply prescribe normal medicine. Easy to claim. For good medicine, you need to itemize it. And you have to login to the computer system and submit the claim within certain time else the claim forfeited. They are too lazy and don't want to be bothered with this tedious work. My friend asked me "Why do you bother to do that? Simply give normal medicine and then if they are not well, they will come again. I said to them, "I believe in only ONE chance"

"I believe in only ONE chance". That's what my doctor said to me. And that's what make him so different than any other doctors I have met.

Dr Thong is like my family doctor. He knows my whole family. We visit him every time we fall sick.

There was the time, when my throat and coughing recurring and I visited him a few times. Still not getting well. He then gave me a strong medicine and advised me that he only prescribed this to asthma patient. But I'm not. So, take wisely and stop immediately if I feel it's too strong. Few days later, I got a call from him. I was surprised that a doctor called me! He asked whether I get better. And I said yes. My aunt said maybe the doctor likes me. Not bad to have Chinese husband for me since I have Chinese look a bit. So funny. Of course not. He just concern whether I get better or experience any side effect due to strong medicine. And I believe he's married too. Hahahahaa..

There was also a time when I asked him for a particular medicine I used to take when I was in Singapore. Dr Christine in DBS Building, Tg Pagar, Singapore, is my favorite doctor. What I like about her medicine prescription, not only they are good but also they come with full drug name printed label. So, I know what drugs I am taking.

For coughing : Phenexpect cd expectorant
For sore throat: Mac dual action blackcurrant flavour hexylresorcinol
(Ernest Jackson)
For flu : Chlorpheniramin tablet 4mg
For phlegm/sore throat: Korzen sinsia serratiopeptidase 5mg (this is my most favorite. It's very effective!)

Unfortunately, I can't find these drugs in Malaysia, not in pharmacies and not even in clinics. So, I asked Dr Thong whether he has such drug supplies. No, but he will check it up. You know what, in my next visit, I got Mac dual action blackcurrant prescription from him :-)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

He got married this month

He got married this month :-(

“Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu isteri-istrei dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya dan dijadikan-Nya di antaramu rasa kasih dan sayang. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda-tanda bagi kaum yang berfikir.” (Ar-Ruum :21).

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Siapa yang rugi?

Semuanya bermula dgn desakan Ambiga utk membersihkan proses pilihan raya melalui gerakan Bersihnya.

Apa lagi... Tentunya melihat ini sebagai peluang keemasan utk bersekongkol dgn apa sahaja yg memperlihatkan kecacatan kerajaan, terdesak utk meraih sokongan menjelang pilihan raya

Dalam keadaan kelam kabut dgn ribuaan org mara dr semua sudut dgn gerombolan penyokong yg ghairah dan naik seh, sudah tentu apa sahaja boleh berlaku atau ter-berlaku pada atau oleh sesiapa sahaja yg berada di situ. Pihak polis yg bertugas terdesak utk melakukan sesuatu utk menghalang kemaraan kumpulan atas dasar mempertahankan diri dan menyelamatkan org awam dan mungkin terlepas pandang akan asas atau principal pertahanan sesuatu kawasan tertentu yg perlu diberi perhatian khusus.

Mungkin terdesak utk mempertahankan pihak polis, sekaligus mungkin menidakkan apa yg sebenarnya yg berlaku. Mungkin ya, mungkin tidak... Wallahualam...Allah SWT sahaja yg tahu...


Akhirnya, siapa yang rugi?
KITA SEMUA yg rugi!
- Negara kita kelihatan buruk, busuk di mata asing
- Polis yg cuba menjaga keamanan cedera dan dikecam
- Mereka yg sertai demonstrasi juga cedera, fizikal dan emosi
- Kecederaan emosi dirasai oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat di seluruh Malaysia (SEMUA ORANG yaa... semua rasa sakitnya dan juga bersedih dgn apa yg berlaku)

Wahai seluruh rakyat negaraku yg tercinta....
Tak bolehkan kita semua duduk berbincang dan bermusyawarah?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Traditional Islam in America

As I mentioned in my earlier post, one of my resolution for this year is to make time for Majlis Ilmu. Last night, I attended a talk titled 'Traditional Islam in America' by Imam Finch (Muhammad Abdul Latif Finch). It was my second talk channeled through Brother Mahdar from Arabic Academy Malaysia. From time to time I get talk invitations from him and I will try to attend whenever time permit.

Imam Finch is the imam at the Lighthouse Mosque in Oakland, California. He is a teacher and program developer for Deen Intensive Foundation. He also works with SeekersGuidance and assists Zaytuna College's annual Summer Arabic Intensive program in Berkeley, California. He is one of five students who comprised the first graduating class of the Zaytuna seminary program. Born in El Paso, Texas and raised in the south, he embraced Islam in 1995 in Atlanta, Georgia when he was 20 years old. He graduated in 2008 with an ijazah in basic sciences of Islam.

'Traditional Islam in America' is indeed quite a tough topic to discuss. The speaker himself admitted this fact. He said that Islam in America has just reaching 50 years and that's not long enough to form a traditional Islam.

Wait a minute... what is 'Traditional Islam' really means?
I was puzzled myself.

Wikipedia defines 'Traditional Islam' as cultural Muslim, that is a general term used to define a group of people who are identified by association with a Muslim community rather than Islamic faith or rituals.

Okay, now I get it. In other words, what are the norms or traits which give the impression that a person or a group of people is the Muslims.

The discussion with Imam Finch was not as structured as the first talk by Shaykh Afifi Al Akiti which I attended sometime ago. To be honest, I'm quite disappointed :-( Imam Finch didn't really explore the topic sufficiently and simply rest with the fact that America has no traditional Islam. Which I can argue with his own fact which says traditional Islam evolves over time.

Traditional Islam Evolution
Traditional Islam evolves over time, transforming the way people live their lives, the fashion and style they put on, the way they speak and think.

People change and we ourselves can be foreign from our traditional Islam in which we came from. Imam Finch asked "How many are Malays here?" - Majority put up hands. "Who feels more confidence conversing in English than Malay?" - A few put up hands. "See.. you are foreign yourself, different from your tradition."

If traditional Islam evolves over time, it can exists as early as a second and start to evolve from then onwards. Hence, there must also be traditional Islam in America which has started since the last 50 years, although it is not pretty distinct like any other Islamic countries.

I once read an article in Al-Islam magazine which says that the niqab (purdah) is a custom or common practice in the Arab countries of the Arabian Peninsula such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, and the UAE. So, I would say that's what defines traditional Islam in Arab countries. I believe there are distinctive values or style in other Islamic countries as well. But, the essence is still the same that is to cover the aurat e.g covering the head and bosom in this context.

I went for sight-seeing at Suomenlinna Island in Helsinki last month and met a Malaysian family, a couple with 4 kids. FYI, there are very very minimal Muslims tourist over there. During my 1-week work-stay, I only saw Muslims women twice! So, seeing someone with hijab (tudung) is very obvious among the people in the city. I remember the wife said to me she recognized me as Malaysian by my hijab style. So, I would say that's our traditional Islam in Malaysia, I guess.

Nevertheless, lifestyle, customs and cultural practices covering as small matters as food, drink, dress code to bigger matters like jurisprudence, administration and everything we believe, do and say, has to fall back to the essence of Islam, that are Al-Quran and As-Sunnah Wal Jamaah.

Deen = mind + body + soul = Iman + Islam + Ihsan

“Say: If you all love Allah, then wholeheartedly follow me, and Allah will love you and forgive your sins” (Koran 3:31). Man is body, mind, and soul all together, and does not find the deep inner peace of true religion without Islam, Iman, and Ihsan all together. It means observing the law (shari‘a), knowing the faith (‘aqida), and realizing the soul’s potential (tariqa).

P/S: What's written here is from my shallow and little knowledge and understanding. After all, I'm a learner myself.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Kenduri Kesyukuran & Doa Selamat (House Warming Event)

Last Saturday, we organized a house warming event (Kenduri Kesyukuran & Doa Selamat)in conjunction of our moving to new home sweet home and to thank Allah SWT for His blessing by offering and sharing a feast together. We invited family members and close friends. Alhamdulilah... the event went well with good weather.

The feast is really delightful and glorious with plenty of food until you feel hard to choose. In addition to my mom's menu, my aunties, grandma, some family members and friends also sponsored some food. Thank you all. May Allah SWT bless you all :-)

My mom's very-own-cooking menu:
Nasi Tomato
Ayam Masak Merah
Daging Kicap Pedas
Nasi Putih
Gulai Nangka
Ikan Masin
Sambal Belacan
Bubur Cacar
Air Oren

Sponsored food:
Kuah Pecal
Pulut panggang

My cousin's husband (Abg Asri) who is a soldier, sponsored the tent from his camp which comes with banquet set: tables, chairs, table cloth, food tray, drink container etc. Even with the gold color ribbon wrapped around the chair rest just like wedding banquet. Hehehehe.... I was surprised coming home to see it and feel like a wedding ceremony. Plus, on the very same preparation day, the workers came to install the wardrobe in my room. It adds the feeling of wedding as if preparing the bride's room. kuikuikui... Perasan santan jerk!

The event started with Doa Selamat & Tahlil by Imam and a few jemaah after Zuhur. Followed by the feast. In the afternoon, my mom's marhaban group continued with Yasin recital and Selawat to Rasullullah SAW.

Alhamdulilah... May Allah bless us all with hidayah and rahmat. And may we, one whole family live in the new house happy ever after.

Thank you for all of you whom willing to spent some time to visit and join the feast with us. Thank you!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

4 - 12 Jun 2011: Helsinki, Finland

4 Jun 2011, Saturday
Touched down at Schiphol airport, Amsterdam from KLIA after my very first loooooong flight (12 hours). Transit flight to Helsinki, Finland for another 3hr 25min. Only now I understand why people hate long flight. I did walked to the back of the plane to just stand on my two feet, can't take the seating anymore!

Checked-in the hotel. Going up to the room is a discovery itself. They have a "weird" lift ('hissi' in Finnish), see picture. It has frozen-fridge-like door which you need to open before entering! With big luggage, max only 2 persons can fit it at one go. kuikuikui... With the heavy trolley bag, I squeezed myself into my very-small single room. Imagine, half of the room is a single bed and another half is a narrow space as small as the width of the single bed. Too bad I didn't take picture of it.

And, You know what??
After the very first hour of the first day in hotel, just before I went out from the room to go to the city, I dropped my camera on the floor! Oh crap.. It's gone! I can hear crackling sound when I shake it. There goes my old camera (Ricoh) which I purchased in Singapore. What to do? In the city, I ended up buying a new camera (Canon IXUS 220) at EUR219!!

That day we discovered almost all sightseeing spots in the city.

Esplanadi Park (Etelaesplanadi)

Market Square
At the end of Esplanadi facing the sea, this open-air market sells fresh fish, vegetables, berries and other produce and souvenirs too. I was busy choosing the magnet and keychain when the seller greet me with salam. I was surprised and happy at the same time to meet the Muslims in the foreign place. The father and daughter, they originally from Middle East have been living in Helsinki for 20 years.

Watch out for the seagulls! They can scoop your ice-cream or snatch your berries out of your hands in no time.

Senate Square
Senate Square houses the palace of the Senate, as well as the main building of the University of Helsinki, both of which were designed by famed architect Carl L. Engel. The center of the square has a statue of the Emperor Alexander II. The square's neo-classical design makes it one of the most attractive squares in the European continent.

From left:
- Ateneum Art Museum and National Museum - Under renovation
- Lutheran Cathedral
- Uspenski Cathedral (Uspenskin katedraali)
- Aleksanterinkatu (Aleksi) - Rows of shops and department stores.

6 - 10 Jun 2011, Monday-Friday

On Wednesday, we had a Finnish-Scandinavian tradition fine dining with the customer at Restaurant Hvitträsk (Ravintola Hvitträsk) which is surrounded by a breathtaking and mesmerizing view of the countryside.

11 Jun 2011, Saturday
During the final weekend before leaving for Den Bosch, we took a ferry trip to Soumenlina Island, the amazing sea fortress. It's like a township of military occupants. I explored through its deep, dark and cold tunnels. I wasn't prepared for it. Exploring through the darkness without torch light, I bang my head against one of the arch. Ouch...

Check out more pictures in my facebook

To be continued with the adventure in Den Bosch in the next post!

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