Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tuhanku, aku tidak layak masuk syurgaMu

إلهي لست للفردوس أهلاً *** ولا أقوى على نار الجحيم
فهب لي توبةً واغفر ذنوبي *** فإنك غافر الذنب العظيم

"Tuhanku, aku tidak layak masuk syurgaMu, namun tak upaya menghadapi api nerakaMu. Terima taubatku dan ampunkan dosa-dosaku, sesungguhNya engkau mengampunkan dosa hambaMu".

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My black rider admitted

My dear black rider was admitted to workshop for 2 days and 1 night!

I asked the mechanic to check all kinds of belts in the car engine (timing belt, aircond belt, fan belt, alternator belt). Because all kind of noise started coming out of the engine. Also, to check the break pump (back) and break pad (front).

At first, we (the mechanics & I) thought it could be done on the same day. So, I waited. And waited. I waited from 10AM until 6PM. Almost whole day in the workshop!
Eventually, one after another problem crept out.

What I did throughout that 8 hours:
- read Jodi Picoult's novel
- lunch with chicken rice at PappaRich nextdoor
- read Jodi Picoult's novel again
- eat mandarin orange served in the workshop waiting area
- watched 2 episodes of Korean drama on my Galaxy S2 (till it's out of battery)
- read Jodi Picoult's novel again and again
- read theStar
- read Jodi Picoult's novel again and again
- tea break with chicken porridge again at PappaRich (at the same table and same seat as lunch time)
- tired for sitting too long
- also tired of standing
- restless

What the mechanics did throughout that 8 hours:
- changed timing belt, aircond belt, fan belt, alternator belt (they are all worn out)
- break checked and are all okay
Once all the belts installed, a noise screaming out of the engine. They have to check with the stethoscope-alike device. Ahaa... Not only doctor has that, mechanic has that too :D But their patients are cars, not human. hehehhee...
- They changed the water pump.
Yet again another high pitched noise screaming out of the engine. Again they have to check. Time was getting late. Customers went in and out and I was still there :-(

Looking at them working so hard to troubleshoot the problem, at last, I said, I'll just leave the car there so that they can continue tomorrow.

I took back my car just now. They replaced the clutch bearing. Now, the engine sounds well :-) but my pocket doesn't :-(

It costs me over RM 1,000!
There goes my plan to buy aircond for my room :-(
I'll have to wait for another few months to get the aircond, then.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Mak aku main kejar-kejar dalam rumah dengan sepasang "kekasih" (agaknyer) burung kedidi

Ada satu petang nih, mak aku terperanjat tengok sepasang burung kedidi, chotchetchotchet riuh rendah main terbang2 dlm bilik tetamu. Agaknye, mereka tersalah masuk dan tak tau cari jalan keluar.

Tak cukup dgn main terbang2 dlm bilik tuh, dieorg dok ajak mak aku main kejar2 la pulak. Mak aku nak halau dieorg keluar, tp, dieorg lari dari dapur ke ruang tamu. Mak aku pon kejar. kuikuikui... Dieorg lari berpasangan tuh.. inline with each other. Amazing.

Pastuh, dieorg naik tingkat atas la pulak, pergi bilik Angah. Then, baru jumpa tingkap, keluar dan bertenggek atas besi ceracak separuh siap tuh. Yang kelakarnyer, due ekor burung kedidi tuh.. termengah-mengah kat situh... terjelir lidah nyer... kepenatan. kahkahkah... Mak aku pon penat jugak kejar dieorg!

Setiap pagi, due ekor burung kedidi nih akan bertenggek kat atas pagar belakang rumah aku. Sejak adegan kejar-mengejar tuh, mak aku rasa kesian pd dieorg. So, dier pon tabur beras atas rumput, bagik dieorg makan.

Since then, setiap pagi la mak aku bercakap dgn dieorg sambil bagik dieorg makan beras. Dieorg siap panggil geng2 lagik dtg makan beramai-ramai.

Itulah kisah burung kedidi dan mak aku :-)

Skytrex Extreme Challenge

Superb. Challenging. Enjoyable. Tiring. Memorable.

Confidently, I simply signed up for the Skytrex Extreme Challenge online.
The course description sounds like this:
This new circuit is the latest addition to the park and boasts 34 extreme challenges with some platforms reaching the height of 22 meters. A demanding experience for the adrenaline junkies, it is the final step in discovering the pleasure of skytrex's high rope courses.

Paklah SMS me "Wanie, kau ambik course yg paling susah?"
I replied "Yup. Hope not too optimistic"
Paklah then replied "Kind of jugak"

But, there's no turning back, man. I have paid everything in full!

Here we go.
We were all nervous and couldn't imagine to what extreme could it be.

Frankly, it challenged my everything: endurance (sufferance, stamina, resilience, durability), fear, risk taking, excitement and you name it!

Anyhow, WE MADE IT!!!
* without chicken exit :P



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